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Case study creation

Stand out from the crowd

Tell persuasive stories that showcase your unique ability to

get results and establish you as your market’s ‘Go-To’ expert.

Do your case studies do your business justice?

Establishing credibility and trust is essential in today’s fiercely competitive B2B markets.

Telling the story of your client relationships, case studies are powerful tools of persuasion.

However, many lack the promised pulling power.

Take a look at the questions below. Do your customer stories tick all the boxes?

  • Do your case studies tell your customer’s story from their perspective and in their words?
  • Do they showcase the results you delivered and the impact it had on your client both professionally and personally?
  • Do they position you as your market’s perfect partner and establish why you should be their first port of call?
  • Do they support both your new business activities and your talent recruitment?
  • Do they demonstrate meaningful differentiators that set you apart from your competition?’
  • Critically, do they tell you why your customers value your relationship and provide the insight you need to sell to more people just like them?

Click the image below to see how your case studies compare.


Sell Yourself with Impact

Click here to see some of the compelling customer stories we’ve helped our clients to produce.

More than ever your market is looking for strategies and solutions that really work and a guide who can help them to negotiate the challenges they now face.

Over 2 decades in B2B comms, I’ve conducted 100s of client interviews and developed the case studies that resulted.

The process has taught me one critical lesson – your best customers will tell you everything you need to know to sell to people just like them.



“We could not have written the copy better ourselves, which is a super compliment to Alex and his team for capturing and crafting the messages.,”

Mario Baldini, VP Marketing

Get In Touch

9MM PR Ltd
020 8207 2819